Make War and Love (Timeline 1.1)

9 comments on Make War and Love (Timeline 1.1)

I’ve really wanted to do this for a long time: Start a new series which will explore the past, present and future of the Reese-family from different characters’ POV. And then list all stories taking place in that time-frame. Let me know what you thinkโ€”and if you ever considered writing your own memoir!

– Chris


So why would it make any sense for a 64 year-old woman write her memoir?

I hope to answer that question by … writing it.

It’s something I’ve been thinking of doing for some time, but each time I’ve been held back because I was in doubt if it had a worthwhile purpose.

I’m not even sure there is a red thread in my life, much less anything interesting to report and learn from.

Perhaps that is the reason why I want to write it? It’s to help me find that red thread. It’s not something I already have, ready to share with the world.

So this introduction will necessarily be as poor as any introduction for a completely ordinary life that had its ups and downs, its adventures and its doldrums. And which, if all goes as it usually does, will end without any great impact or without anyone really remembering much about it. Like it does for 99 percent of all people, in the past, in the now and probably also in the future.

I’m not writing this out to be morbid or try to make you feel sorry for me.

I felt like writing it, and it actually helped.

Now, for some reason, I don’t feel so afraid of being forgotten, of having lived a chaotic life with no real impact or direction beyond what I could scrape together for myself and my family.

It’s odd how this fear of the unknown is so deep.

I shouldn’t be afraid. I believe in the angelic hierarchies as defined in the Kabbalah and in the visions of life beyond life as explained by Jane Roberts, Rauni-Leena Luukanen, Raymond Moody and many others. Some days I know they are true.

And yet, I fear the end of my days and that those days I had were wasted. And that feeling gets stronger year by year. I wonder if you feel the same way if you were a traditional Christian or Moslem?

So nothing you read in this introduction might come down on printed paper in the end. And yet, every word may be kept, if I find out that the journey is worth sharing.

The journey where I write about my fears and my regrets, mostly, but also the moments of light, as when I had my first and only child.


The book will be divided intro three parts and the first deals with my formative years in Utah and the Church of Latter Day Saints, my father’s (company’s) move to Paris that coincided with the 1968 riots, my escape to my aunt in Cleveland and breakup with my parents.

After that I will tell you about my years in New York in the 1970s working odd jobs, my experiments with drugs, meditation and that one time I almost got into an argument with John Lennon (and didn’t know who he wasโ€”which part is the most embarrassing I will leave to you).

Finally, but still in part I, I will take you with me on a tour around Europe that ended up near a NATO base in Italy where I met a handsome young Scottish soldier, stationed there. (Well, I met him at a bar in Genoa, but it’s all the same to me.)

I will try to make sense of how I thought I had found the man of my dreams, even if he was a soldierโ€”or perhaps because he was a soldier, who appeared to have a heart.

And how we moved to his native Scotland, and how I became pregnant with Caroline in 1978 and … how the romantic dream evaporated as the highland mists in the mid-1980s after that damn war in the Falklands which changed my husband.

Or perhaps Calum was always like that, prone to feeling sorry for himself and being angry at everyone else, and it just came to the surface after the war?

There you have it. I am not even finished describing the first part of the memoir, and I’m already analyzing what happened, so many years agoโ€”looking desperately for that thread.

But it feels more right than when I started. So I will continue. Even if this is never published and read by anyone else. Not even my current husband.

I hope you will stay with me on the journey.


Stories 1968-1983**

Jโ€™ai Pas Peur – DEBORAH, May 1968

Streets Full of Actors – DEBORAH, May 1968

Out In the Haze – DEBORAH, early 1970s

Working Class Hero – DEBORAH, 1971

Without Any Fear – DEBORAH, 1975

Blind As the Moon – CALUM, May 1982

The Seat With The Clearest View – DEBORAH, CALUM, spring 1983


Cover photo by Hussain Zidhan on Unsplash

Middle-aged woman by Donna Buchanan on Unsplash





Fleetwood Mac – “Seven Wonders”

Kate Bush – “Wuthering Heights”

** = These are the stories I have written for this time-period as of April 2024, but rest assured there’ll be more down the line!

Most don’t have a fancy layout, but they are also relatively short and thus easy to read even so (I hope).

There will be future posts numbered 1.2, 1.3, etc., as I add new stories and each post will have a new story featuring another member of the cast and their perspective on these years.

– Chris


Reading Guide

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P.S. I am in the process of replacing all B/W photos on Depending on the Morning Sun with color photos (if they are available). This is a WIP.






Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts, comments or experiences!


9 responses to “Make War and Love (Timeline 1.1)”

  1. Christopher Marcus Avatar

    I will lay low for some more days because I am taking care of my son alone until Friday, while his mother is away. But I managed to get this one done before I have to get out the door, and it feels good.

    Like it says in the intro, though, I have no idea how much this will interest anyone, but sometimes you just … have to do what you have to do.

    Take care out there,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. BrittnyLee Avatar

      Take all the time you need. We will always wait . Your writing is inspiring and keeps us coming back . Take care

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Christopher Marcus Avatar

        I’m afraid it will indeed be some time. I injured my hand today on a piece of glass and had to go to the hospital. I have some story drafts lying around that I may be able to finish. So thereโ€™s that at least.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. BrittnyLee Avatar

        Oh no! I’m sorry that happened !!! A few years back I injured my left hand in my sleep. ( not kidding ) haha and I taught myself to depend on my right hand and now I write dominantly right handed lol . I was always ambidextrous but was more confidant with my left hand. Luckily, my left hand healed. I forget what part of it I injured. I think it was something to do with the bands in my wrist. I didn’t need surgery but I had to wear a corrector thing for quite some time. It was very painful. I hate injuries !!!!!!!! I hope you have a quick recovery. I’m praying for you and sending good vibrations your way my friend . I am clumsy so I get hurt here and there, too. The struggle is real !

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Christopher Marcus Avatar

        It was such bad luck. I was at my first get-together in months, away from the family-front, and I dropped this glass in the kitchen sink when trying to clean it. Instinctively I grab for it and then crush it between my hands.

        I am not amb but managing with care, voice dictation and just scaling down ambitions, he.

        Sounds like an even more unlucky accident you had, so I guess you ‘take the lead’ haha. I’m glad something good came of it, after all, if one can say that (teaching yourself to ‘go more right’ ).

        Thanks for the vibes. They are sorely appreciated and needed. I look forward to more beautiful and intense poetry soon! ๐Ÿ˜‰

        Liked by 1 person

      4. BrittnyLee Avatar

        Thank you !! I hope you heal soon ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


  2. BrittnyLee Avatar

    The photo goes very well with this piece. Discovering who people are unfortunately takes almost a lifetime at times. Callum probably had trauma not dealt with. I did for many years and didn’t discover how many layers deep it was until I moved out with my husband. This memoir sound awesome .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Christopher Marcus Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words. That’s a very insightful observation about trauma. I hadn’t thought of it in that way. I’d really like to write the next story about Callum soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. BrittnyLee Avatar

        Ill be looking forward to it โ˜บ๏ธ

        Liked by 1 person

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